Hi there!
I'm Rachel, a registered dietitian (RD)
passionate about Intuitive Eating, HAES, body positivity and all things anti-diet

Health at Every Size

The Effects of Weight Stigma – How Weight Bias is Ruining Our Health

The effects of weight stigma can be seen in healthcare settings where patients avoid appointments and don’t receive proper treatment.

Joyful Movement – Shifting the Focus of Exercise

Joyful movement is an approach to exercise that involves finding ways to move the body that are enjoyable and fun. Discovering what’s joyful can help us develop a healthy relationship with movement and enjoy the many benefits of exercise.

Thin Privilege – What is it?

What is thin privilege? Is thin privilege real? Those are two questions you might be asking right now. Read this article to find out!

A Weight Inclusive Approach to Health – What is Health at Every Size® (HAES)?

Health at Every Size (HAES) is a weight inclusive approach to health that focuses on respectful care and health equity.

Is BMI an Accurate Indicator of Health?

Read this blog to determine whether or not you think BMI is an accurate indicator of health!

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