Hi there!
I'm Rachel, a registered dietitian (RD)
passionate about Intuitive Eating, HAES, body positivity and all things anti-diet

Body Positivity

Causes of Body Shaming – How Jealousy Leads to Harm

Individuals of every size can experience body shaming. In order to end this, it’s crucial to discover what causes body shaming.

Body Neutrality vs Body Positivity – What’s the Difference?

If body positivity is about learning to love your body, then body neutrality is about learning to simply accept your body.

Body Image, Intuitive Eating, and Yoga

A study demonstrates the possibly powerful combination of Intuitive Eating and yoga. This combo could have a positive impact on body image, among many other benefits.

Bad Body Image Day – How to Handle it

A bad body image day is a normal part of every body image healing process. Knowing how to handle the bad days is important for overall growth.

Thin Privilege – What is it?

What is thin privilege? Is thin privilege real? Those are two questions you might be asking right now. Read this article to find out!

How my Husband Supported me During my Body Image Journey

My husband’s birthday is next week, which means I’ve been thinking about birthday ideas for a while now. This also means that I’ve been thinking about how grateful I am to call him my husband, which inspired me to write… Continue Reading →

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