Hi there!
I'm Rachel, a registered dietitian (RD)
passionate about Intuitive Eating, HAES, body positivity and all things anti-diet

Anti-Diet Topics

A Guide to Anti-Diet New Year’s Resolutions

As a new year approaches, don’t let diet culture dictate your health goals this year. Learn how to set anti-diet New Year’s resolutions.

An Anti-Diet Dietitian’s Guide to Surviving the Holidays

The holiday season isn’t always joyful for those struggling with disordered eating and body image issues. Read this anti-diet guide to surviving the holidays to find out how everyone can have a joyful holiday season this year.

What is Anti-Diet? Is it Anti-Health?

The anti-diet movement strives to fight the beliefs and viewpoints of diet culture. A common misconception is that anti-diet is anti-health.

How to Spot a Fad Diet

Fad diets promote quick results and weight loss with a side of disordered eating. Knowing how to spot a fad diet is important to our health.

How to Be a Diet Culture Dropout

Learning to unfollow social media pages, identify fad diets, and nourish the body are all important parts of being a diet culture dropout.

Toxic Diet Culture – 8 Reasons Why It’s Harmful

8 reasons why toxic diet culture is harmful, from disordered eating to unsustainable health practices to faux happiness.

Why I Wish I Hadn’t Become a Registered Dietitian

This blog isn’t about why I’ve lost my passion as a dietitian or how I don’t care about nutrition anymore, because those two statements aren’t true. I enjoy being a dietitian, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There are… Continue Reading →

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