A Research Study About Body Image, Intuitive Eating, and Yoga

Recently, I came across a research study that looked at the correlation between body image, Intuitive Eating, and yoga. I found the study interesting since the Intuitive Eating community often discusses body image and quite a few intuitive eaters practice yoga.

I wanted to share a brief overview of the study for those of us that fall within the Intuitive Eating, yoga, and body image cross-section. If you’re interested in reading the entire study, I linked it at the bottom of this article.

Study Purpose

The purpose of the study was to determine the levels of body awareness, body responsiveness, intuitive eating, and overall body satisfaction as indicators of a healthy body image and food attitudes in a group of women who practice yoga.

The population was women 18 years and older who regularly practiced yoga, which was defined as attending a class or practicing at home at least once a week.

Study Methods

In order to investigate the impact of Intuitive Eating and Yoga on body image, the study recruited volunteers from different yoga studios and fitness centers in a West Coast metropolitan area.

For the first part of the study, the volunteers were given multiple-choice questionnaires to examine body awareness, intuitive eating, spiritual beliefs, and the motivations of women practicing yoga.

For the second part of the study, the same volunteers were asked to participate in a 15-minute recorded phone interview to examine how yoga impacts their body satisfaction, eating attitudes, and perceived changes in spirituality since beginning their yoga practice.

Study Results

The participants were found to have high scores of body awareness, intuitive eating, body satisfaction, and spiritual readiness. A strong positive correlation was found between intuitive eating and body satisfaction. Intuitive eating was also found to be negatively correlated with disordered eating attitudes.

As a group, women who practiced were found to have high scores on measures of body awareness, intuitive eating, and overall body satisfaction. The women in the study attributed improvements in their body image, body satisfaction, and eating attitudes to their yoga practice and associated mindfulness.

It was reported that the more frequently yoga was practiced, the more participants felt attuned to their bodies, which resulted in a greater likelihood of positive body image as well as decreased disordered thoughts and actions towards food.

A Powerful Combination

Although more research is needed (as always), this study suggests that practicing yoga can help improve intuitive eating and overall eating attitudes. Additionally, yoga can increase the likelihood of a positive body image. This study demonstrates the possibly very powerful combination of Intuitive Eating and yoga.

Interested in reading more about these topics? Check out my website for articles on Intuitive Eating, Health at Every Size (HAES), body positivity, and all things anti-diet. You can also check out my anti-diet themed store that’s full of Intuitive Eating and body image focused products!

Thanks for reading!

Rachel Beiler, MHS, RD, LDN


Body Awareness, Eating Attitudes, and Spiritual
Beliefs of Women Practicing Yoga