The Body Image Battle

How to handle a bad body image day… sounds nice, right? For many of us, learning to deal with the ups and downs of body image is a daunting challenge.

If you’re reading this, odds are you’ve probably spent years trying to change the way your body looks. Whether it was losing those extra 5 pounds, having a toned stomach, dropping a pant size, looking a certain way in a bathing suit, bulking at the gym, or shooting for a thigh gap, we’ve all attempted to change our physical appearance.

I’m here to challenge you to leave all of that in the past. It’s time to abandon that way of thinking and pursue peace with your body image. Don’t get me wrong, healing poor body image is not an easy task. There will be both good and bad days. Keep reading to learn how to handle a bad body image day.

10 Ways to Handle a Bad Body Image Day

1. Identify 3 things you love about your appearance

Identify each one and list why you love it, then write it all down. Put them on your bathroom mirror or as your phone background, whatever works best for you.

For some of us, this might be extremely difficult and that’s okay! Be honest with yourself and be willing to grow. If you can’t identify at least 3 things you love about your appearance, then ask your significant other or close friends/family for help!

2. Identify 3 things you love about yourself that have nothing to do with appearance

What accomplishments are you proud of? What personality traits are you thankful for? Identify them and write the down. Again, put them on your bathroom mirror or your phone background, whatever works best for you.

As I stated above, this might be difficult for some of us and that’s okay. Spend quality time contemplating what you love about yourself and ask loved ones for assistance.

3. Fight the culture

Stop putting up with the body standards set by our culture. Start showing support for others who are fighting this same battle.

Stop pursuing the “ideal” body portrayed in media. Start loving people for their internal attributes and not their external ones.

Stop following toxic social media pages that support these body standards. Start standing up when people make diet culture comments.

4. Quit the comparison trap

Stop comparing your body to others. We aren’t made to all look the same. Body diversity exists and it’s a beautiful thing. Can you imagine how boring life would be if we all looked the same?

5. Appreciate what your body is capable of

Our bodies are built for so much more than to look “beautiful.” They are built for hard work, long hikes, childbirth, pursuing education, giving & receiving love, having fun, crying, being a helpful hand, showcasing talents, building relationships, and more!

6. Surround yourself with the right people

It might be time to identify and limit interaction with the people in your life that are negatively influencing how you view yourself.

Unfollow social media accounts that make you feel insecure about your body. Instead, follow body-positive accounts that showcase all body types.

7. Remember that your outward appearance is a very small part of who you are

Don’t let your outward appearance dictate your everyday actions. There’s much more to life than the way you look.

When it comes down to it, we do not have control over our weight, our fat accumulation, our wrinkles, our stretch marks, our waist size, our eye color, etc. There’s no point in worrying about something we can’t control.

8. Buy clothes that fit

There’s no way you can feel confident in your body if you’re wearing clothes that are uncomfortable and don’t fit properly. Go through your closet and get rid of clothes that no longer fit. When replacing old clothes, don’t buy the size you think you should fit in but buy the size that fits most comfortably.

9. Do it for the memories

When we’re on our deathbed, we will be devastated if we let our body image hold us back from making lifelong memories. Don’t let your body image prevent you from making special memories now.

10. Remember that we are fearfully and wonderfully made

One of my favorite Psalms is Psalm 139. I love it so much that I actually have it tattooed on my foot. If you haven’t read it, I encourage you to go look it up.

It talks about how we are made in God’s image and how he carefully crafted us into being. It states:

  • How we were knitted together in our mother’s womb
  • How we were fearfully and wonderfully made
  • How God’s works (creating us) are wonderful
  • How God made us just the way he intended to
  • How God’s thoughts about us are precious
  • How God knew our entire life before we were even created

Quick Summary

We’ve all been there. A bad body image day is a normal part of every body image healing process. Learning simple ways to handle a bad body image day is important for success.

  1. Identify 3 things you love about your appearance and why
  2. Identify 3 things you love about yourself that have nothing to do with appearance
  3. Fight the culture
  4. Quit the comparison trap
  5. Appreciate what your body is capable of
  6. Surround yourself with the right people
  7. Remember that your appearance is a small part of who you are
  8. Buy clothes that fit
  9. Do it for the memories
  10. Remember that we are fearfully and wonderfully made

To read more about body image, check out my body positivity posts. To help spread the body positive message, check out my anti-diet themed store that’s full of fun bopo products!

Thanks for reading!

Rachel Beiler, MHS, RD, LDN