Hi there!
I'm Rachel, a registered dietitian (RD)
passionate about Intuitive Eating, HAES, body image, and all things anti-diet

Rachel Beiler MHS RD LDN

Body Image, Intuitive Eating, and Yoga

A study demonstrates the possibly powerful combination of Intuitive Eating and yoga. This combo could have a positive impact on body image, among many other benefits.

Mindful Eating vs Intuitive Eating – What’s the Difference?

Mindful eating vs Intuitive Eating. Is there a difference? If you’re unfamiliar with these terms, it can be easy to get the two confused.

Intuitive Eating and Alcohol – Can They Coexist?

Can Intuitive Eating and alcohol coexist? Find out by viewing alcohol through the lens of Intuitive Eating, principle by principle.

Joyful Movement – Shifting the Focus of Exercise

Joyful movement is an approach to exercise that involves finding ways to move the body that are enjoyable and fun. Discovering what’s joyful can help us develop a healthy relationship with movement and enjoy the many benefits of exercise.

Gut Health 101 – Why Gut Health Matters

The gut is home to over 40 trillion organisms that assist the body with many functions. Gut health 101 is why and how to take care of it.

Bad Body Image Day – How to Handle it

A bad body image day is a normal part of every body image healing process. Knowing how to handle the bad days is important for overall growth.

Thin Privilege – What is it?

What is thin privilege? Is thin privilege real? Those are two questions you might be asking right now. Read this article to find out!

Orthorexia Recovery – When Pursuing Health Becomes Unhealthy

Orthorexia is a condition that involves obsessive behavior around healthy eating. Orthorexia recovery entails identifying food rules, practicing Intuitive Eating, and seeking resources from eating disorder organizations.

How to Spot a Fad Diet

Fad diets promote quick results and weight loss with a side of disordered eating. Knowing how to spot a fad diet is important to our health.

How to Be a Diet Culture Dropout

Learning to unfollow social media pages, identify fad diets, and nourish the body are all important parts of being a diet culture dropout.

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